A Delicate Gift treasures life’s moments at any season of life. In my personal life I am currently all hands in with two little boys, my oldest 5 years old and my youngest, 2 years old. I find myself creating activities for us to do together on a regular basis. Sure, I could hop on and search for ideas, but I enjoy the creative process in putting pieces together. I have created this section of my site to share the pieces I use in my home with my kids and hope a fellow mom or a teacher may find these resources as complementary resources to what they already have planned.

Last week, I was looking at Mason’s (my 5 year old) summer’s bucket list hanging in our kitchen. The “bucket list” are bullet points of activities and events he would like to complete before heading back to school in the fall. We quickly wrote out a few ideas on a sheet of paper and left it at that, but since I needed a creative art and writing activity for us to do this weekend, I thought he would enjoy coloring a summer beach picture and writing his summer wish list/ bucket list. He loves having his art pieces displayed for everyone to see, so it was a win win for all of us to get writing and coloring in! Feel free to download this coloring sheet here!




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