This year I had not planned to put together a St. Patrick’s Day activity book and when an external hard drive containing a few designs was corrupted, I simply put it behind me that I would not have the time to recreate the book this year.
Last night, around 7:30pm, as Mason was headed to bed he mentioned looking forward to the St. Patrick’s Day Activity Book I had created last year. I had to tell him, we hadn’t planned to hand them out this year.  He seemed a little disappointed, but was excited to dress in his green and off he went to bed. Well around 11:30pm, I decided to search for the file, but just couldn’t find it saved and started thinking about the book and how I would also like the kids to have them. Before I knew it, I had recreated the book and by 12:30am they were being packaged. 

He is now at school… I had no idea how proud he would be to walk in with these books.
They are designed to be printed double sided and folded to make into a booklet. Feel free to visit my instagram stories where I show you a glimpse of the packaging process.

You can download the booklet here.

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